Mixed Materials Prolific Rails
Teak Metal Fingerboard Rails

Solid All Metal Rails
These rails are solid steel, welded, and powder coated to perfection.

Solid Metal Rails with Wooden Feet
A solid wood round rail with custom Teak logoed wood feet.
These rails are solid steel, welded, and powder coated to perfection.
A solid wood round rail with custom Teak logoed wood feet.
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Great trucks turn well and grind better. They do have a little weight to them but I like that it adds a little heft to my set up would buy again
Made my simple blank board look really especially with my purple apex wheels
Definitely my favorite board from teak. The 6 plies and way better then there other board I have 3 other of the 5 plies and the 6 plies is where it’s at. A little more weight the there standard but that’s what I like about the weight give it a better feel and pop is way better. Would recommend over there standard 5 plies
Awesome rail super fun perfect size grinds and slides perfect. Must have if you like flat ground skating